
How To Care For a Potted Norfolk Pine Christmas Tree

Potted Norfolk Pines are in nearly every store at Christmas. Are they worthwhile to buy or not? How do you care for them?

So there I was, browsing through my favorite supermarket last night. It’s a great store, tons of fresh organic producelocal produce, and a bakery that actually makes fresh whole wheat and sourdough bread.

And of course, I’m having gardening withdrawal at this time of year. Snow is on the ground, it’s bitterly cold for December, and all I can do is fantasize about the new garden projects I’m going to undertake come spring.

And then I (surprise!) found myself looking at the houseplants which come in the white/green/red combo at this time of year. I discovered an absolutely beautiful, little, potted Christmas tree. At first, I thought it was artificial because I hadn’t seen this tree before. And the foliage was so perfect and green – tightly spaced, short, deep green, and very soft to the touch. The price was right too (what gardener can resist a bargain?). How, in all of my years, had I never noticed this tree/plant before?

The argument inside my head got underway:

Sure, it’s nice, but how big will it get, and where will I plant it in spring?

It would be a nice accent piece, but right now, it’s only two feet, so it won’t exactly serve as a Christmas tree this year…

Probably not native.

I searched the plant tag, no info. On the container, I saw the words “Norfolk Pine”. Thank God for iPhones at times like these.

norfolk pine christmas tree
Norfolk Island Pine – Christmas tree or houseplant?

 Buy on Amazon: Costa Farms Live Indoor Norfolk Pine Christmas Tree, 3-Feet Tall, Ships with Red Planter and White Snowflakes. 

Where are Norfolk Pines native?

A quick search revealed that Norfolk Pines are not native to Norfolk, Virginia, Norfolk, Colorado, Norfolk, Massachusetts, Norfolk, Mississippi, or Norfolk County, England. They’re native to Norfolk Island, deep in the South Pacific, a tropical area between New Caledonia and Australia. In their native habitat, Norfolk Pines grow 80-200 feet and the cones can be as large as 15 pounds (that makes their cones roughly the size of your head).

Related Post:  How to Grow Potatoes in Containers

The correct name is Norfolk Island Pine, known botanically as Araucaria heterophylla. And it’s not even a pine; it’s a coniferous evergreen. It can only be grown outdoors in Zone 11 and in the warmer areas of Zone 10, like around San Francisco Bay. But once again, it’s not native to anywhere in North America. Norfolk Island Pines are sensitive to cold and heat and dislike temperatures below 60 or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. That seems closer to the tomatoes I’ve grown, not the trees.

A relative of the monkey puzzle and bunya pine trees, these trees, although “conifers” – or cone-bearing trees – are not true pines. Araucarias are members of a small, ancient family of Southern Hemisphere-restricted conifers, today comprising only 19 species.San Francisco Botanical Garden
norfolk pine christmas tree
Foliage of a Norfolk Island Pine

Think twice before planting a Norfolk Pine Christmas tree in your yard

Okay, that solves the question can I plant a Norfolk Pine in my yard after the holidays? because that’s going to be way too big. And it won’t survive the winters here in zone 6b. Not to mention that it’s not even close to being a native plant, so wouldn’t be of any use in supporting local habitat. But here is where little Todd and adult Todd have an argument: “but I really want it, it’s so beautiful!” “no, it’s not native and grows far too large for our property”, “but I really want it!“, “can’t have it – where will we keep it?” “but I really want it!“, “well maybe…”, and adult Todd of course caves.

So unless you live in a part of the world where warm, humid air is a constant, you have just one option – growing a Norfolk Island Pine as a houseplant. They’re beautiful indoor plants and wonderful accents for your Christmas decorating, so if the spirit moves you, buy it. But be warned, a Norfolk Pine will eventually outgrow its container and your home. But probably not for many years. Unless you live in a warm castle.

Related Post:  Christmas Tree Facts-Real vs Artificial

Care for a Norfolk Pine Tree

  • Norfolk Pines prefer a bright indirect light source, but not direct sunlight
  • They prefer high humidity of 50% – run a humidifier in winter if you live in an area where your home must be heated. The humidified air is good for you too.
  • Choose your container carefully – it should be large and wide. The tree will grow 3-6 inches every year and doesn’t like to be repotted, due to its weak root structure. Plan on keeping it in its original pot as long as possible.
  • Use a fast-draining potting soil, as soggy roots will make a Norfolk Pine very unhappy – its lower limbs and needles will yellow and drop
  • Norfolk Pines need little fertilization. Use a balanced organic granular fertilizer once every 3-4 months.
  • In summer, it can be grown outdoors in a covered area. But if temps rise above 85 consistently, or dip below 50 at night, bring it indoors.
  • Don’t prune a Norfolk Pine. Cutting the tips will force growth elsewhere and destroy its natural shape. The lower branches will self prune.

Buy on Amazon: Christmas gifts and holiday decorations.


3 thoughts on “How To Care For a Potted Norfolk Pine Christmas Tree”

  1. Yikes! I didn’t know the temp constraints- and mine survived 100+ temps in the summer and below 40 in the fall before I brought it inside for the winter.

  2. I’m wondering if I can plant my Norfolk pine outside after Christmas I’m in zone 5 the woman at the store said it will survive our winters

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