Really? You fired up your leaf blower just to vanquish that dusting of grass clippings from the 18 feet of sidewalk in front of your house?
Eighteen feet – that’s three tall humans laying head to toe! Also, 2 female boa constrictors, 1 Narwhal, or 18 foot-long hot dogs. Not exactly a vast wooded estate.
Using a broom for 2 minutes would have killed you? You could have burned off one-tenth of your Pop-Tarts and frozen sausage breakfast. You live on a 1/8 acre suburban lot with no trees, hence no leaves to blow.
Or perhaps you intentionally wanted to annoy me at 9:18 on Saturday morning with your leaf blower’s uber-polluting two-stroke engine that generates a toxic stream of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons at an eardrum crushing 90 decibels. That’s exactly the same sound pressure as if I’d pressed my ear against a roaring Harley Davidson engine. Not very neighborly.
I was deeply ensconced in a peaceful, sunny Saturday morning, enjoying my John LeCarre book, my morning tea, and some glorious songs from the birds in my yard, that your vacuum-cleaner-in-reverse scared the bejesus out of. Bye-bye birdies.
I’ve been to almost 100 rock concerts and not a single one, even that Guns N Roses show at that club in NYC, came anywhere near the eardrum punishment and anxiety-provoking noise your contraption for lazy, middle-aged homeowners just gave me.
Thanks for the buzzkill, leaf blower man. You shattered my fortress of solitude.
I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one frustrated by leaf blowing gardeners! Why on earth do they have to blow before AND after mowing? Mow the leaves as mulch then blow sparingly (or even better sweep) the remainder of grass/leaves back onto the lawn for mulch.
I miss my solitude.
I hear your pain. Luckily where I live most everyone lives by the not before 10am rule.
LOL I hear ya… My next-door neighbor likes to use some sort of saw at around 5am. I’m always like, “Really? Now?”