How and When to Fertilize Your Garden
You may think that fertilizing your garden is pretty basic – dump it around the plants and water it in. But it isn’t that simple and shouldn’t be done that way for a variety of reasons.
Skip to contentPosts on the benefits of using organic fertilizer in your garden, lawn, and landscape.
You may think that fertilizing your garden is pretty basic – dump it around the plants and water it in. But it isn’t that simple and shouldn’t be done that way for a variety of reasons.
In our worm farming guide, learn the practice of vermicomposting in 3 simple steps. It’s much easier than you think!
Worm Farming for Beginners: Your Complete Guide to Successful Vermicomposting Read More »
You may have heard that adding bone meal when planting bulbs will stimulate root growth and support big flower blooms. Unfortunately, this is a gardening myth.
Add Bone Meal for Root Growth and Bigger Blooms: Busting the Garden Myth Read More »
Fish emulsion and fish poop are great organic fertilizers for your garden and offer an environmentally friendly way to recycle fish waste. Additionally, fish emulsion is pretty easy to make at home.
The beauty of Bokashi is that it can be done right in your kitchen and doesn’t require a big pile of scraps in a compost bin outdoors.
Bags of garden fertilizer have three numbers on the label in bold: NPK. This is referred to as the fertilizer analysis or “grade”.
What do the NPK Numbers Mean on a Bag of Fertilizer? Read More »
How much fertilizer you should add to your vegetable garden depends on a variety of factors and it should never be added unless needed.
Vegetable Garden Fertilizer 101: How Much Should You Add? Read More »
Garden fertilizers are meant to feed your plants and soil amendments are meant to improve your soil. But sometimes they overlap.
Garden Fertilizers vs. Soil Amendments – What’s the Difference? Read More »
Is urine good for plants? Can you use your own urine to fertilize your flower or vegetable garden? The answer will surprise you.
Compost tea is a perfect lawn and garden feed for those who want a liquid supplement for their plants and soil. Includes easy to make recipe.
Compost Tea Recipe to Supercharge Your Garden and Lawn Read More »