Organic Gardening 101: 5 Tips To Get Started
Organic gardening is more than trading chemical inputs for non-chemical. Here are 5 tips to get you on your way to a healthier garden.
Skip to contentHow to grow organic annuals and perennials, including flowers and shrubs, with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Organic gardening is more than trading chemical inputs for non-chemical. Here are 5 tips to get you on your way to a healthier garden.
Making a plan for your organic garden is essential to success. Here are a few things to consider before you put your boots on.
Snow cover provides a remarkable insulating effect that helps overwinter the plants in your garden.
A compost bin made from 6 shipping pallets can hold enough compost to serve a large organic garden.This short video shows you how to build it.
How To Build A Compost Bin With Shipping Pallets (Video) Read More »
Why are we gardeners obsessed? Is it an intrinsic desire to control nature? Anyone who’s spent any time in a garden knows that’s impossible.
Planting annual and perennial flowers, trees, shrubs and vegetables correctly can make the difference between a plant that thrives or one that withers and dies
A Short Guide to Planting Annuals and Perennials Read More »
There are a few things to watch for at any garden center to make sure that the plants you take home are healthy and will grow big and beautiful.
Starting vegetable seeds indoors? When to do that is determined by a number of factors.
Black spot, powdery mildew and other fungus problems can be controlled with this simple organic spray. All of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen.
Fight Black Spot and Powdery Mildew with Baking Soda Spray Read More »
Bees pollinate more than 250,000 species of plants. Make your garden inviting to bees and other pollinators and they’ll reward you with robust plants.