Compost bins: Which Type Should You Buy?
Compost bins come in many forms and sizes: stationary bins or tumblers made of plastic, wood, wire or other DIY materials. Which type should you buy?
Skip to contentComposting tips to enrich garden soil and lawn soil for the best organic gardening and landscaping results.
Compost bins come in many forms and sizes: stationary bins or tumblers made of plastic, wood, wire or other DIY materials. Which type should you buy?
Leaf mold is the best use of fall leaves in your garden or lawn and it’s simple to make. Even if you’ve never gardened before, you’ll ace it.
Online, there are 1 million-plus recommendations on using coffee grounds in your garden to repel cats, boost soil nutrients and bacteria, attract earthworms, kill slugs, prevent weeds, aerate soil and god knows what else. I looked into the published science to see what the reality is on coffee grounds.
Trench composting is perhaps the simplest way of composting – just add kitchen scraps directly to your garden bed, no compost bin required.
Compost tea is a perfect lawn and garden feed for those who want a liquid supplement for their plants and soil. Includes easy to make recipe.
Compost Tea Recipe to Supercharge Your Garden and Lawn Read More »
This infographic shows you how much money you can save by simply by composting your organic household waste.
When you compost your garden, plants need less fertilizer, soil quality improves and plants show more tolerance to diseases and pests.
Compost: Today’s Leftovers, Tomorrow’s Plant Food Read More »
Tree leaves that fall every autumn make fantastic compost or mulch to feed your garden plants. Here’s how to use them.
Turn Autumn Tree Leaves Into Compost, Mulch, And Organic Fertilizer Read More »
A compost bin made from 6 shipping pallets can hold enough compost to serve a large organic garden.This short video shows you how to build it.
How To Build A Compost Bin With Shipping Pallets (Video) Read More »
Compost or not? Blighted tomato plants are risky to add to a compost pile, but it’s possible if you follow these composting rules exactly.