
5 Benefits of Organic Lawn Care

By Guest Author Halley Johnson

There is a lot to be said in favor of the green movement. The effort to save the planet and reduce one’s carbon footprint is never a bad goal. Luckily, the green movement can carry over into pretty much everything you do, including organic lawn care.

organic lawn care puppy on grass
Would you rather have your puppy play on a yard bathed in chemicals or one that’s treated organically?

For a long time, lawn care has been done with dangerous chemicals, but it doesn’t have to continue to be done that way. There are a lot of organic products that can replace those chemicals and will help your yard and the life that lives there, including yours.

Giving your lawn organic products to help it grow and thrive makes so much more sense than adding chemicals. It is a natural way to give your lawn a fighting chance at growing and becoming beautiful. Here are five of the benefits of organic lawn care.

1. Organic Lawn Care Is Pet and Child Safe

One of the greatest benefits of organic lawn care is that it is completely safe. There is nothing toxic or harmful in organic lawn products as long as the products are used properly. That is a huge weight off people’s minds who want a well-maintained lawn, but also have pets or children.

Because there are no side effects produced by organic lawn products, it is not dangerous for anyone to play in the yard after you’ve used them, even if your kids (or pets) want to play outside right away. No matter where you apply organic solutions, you won’t have to worry about keeping anyone away from the area at any point in time.

2. Organic Lawn Care Causes Less Water Pollution

Organic products are biodegradable and will not pollute your yard, soil or the water that runs off your yard. It is also a way to make sure your lawn care is not contributing to water pollution. 

Lawn fertilizers and pesticides cause some runoff and eventually end up in other water sources, causing higher levels of pollution. Those chemicals might end up in a watershed in your town or a large body of water hundreds of miles away. 

Related Post:  When Should You Stop Mowing Your Lawn in the Fall?

Water pollution on a large or small scale hurts our environment. When you’re looking at ways to reduce the amount of pollution you contribute to the environment, moving from chemicals to organic lawn care can go a long way in changing how much of a negative impact you have on water pollution and our environment in general.

Switching to organic methods like composting and using Corn Gluten Meal to control weeds and fertilize instead of using chemicals will make a huge difference in how much pollution you create that runs off into a water supply.

 Buy on Amazon: Espoma Organic Weed Preventer-25 lb.  

3. Organic Lawn Care Improves Your Soil

One of the main benefits of using organic lawn products is how much it helps your soil. Organic products add to your soil, unlike chemicals which damage microorganisms. Adding amendments like compost helps your soil absorb and hold more water than it would if you relied solely on chemical lawn care options. It also makes sure that your yard still looks great when there might not be as much rain to rely on.

Using organic lawn care products can help reduce your yard’s water needs by more than fifty percent. It increases the sponginess of your soil which means your lawn turf can grow thicker, deeper roots. Grass with thicker roots tend to fare far better when droughts hit, so your lawn and garden are going to be set even if your neighbor’s lawn starts looking brown and dry.

4. Organic Lawn Products Remain in Your Soil Longer

Chemical lawn products eventually wash away when you water your lawn or when it rains. Those chemicals which aren’t absorbed immediately by the roots wash away and stop doing your lawn any good. Organic lawn products take longer to break down and feed the lawn, but they stay in your soil longer, providing more benefits long after the first rain. It will continue to enrich the soil and help your lawn be more lush and beautiful no matter how long it rains or even if you water your lawn yourself.

Related Post:  How to Transition Your Lawn Off Chemical Fertilizers and Weed Killers

5. Organic Lawn Care Adds Life

While chemical products work quickly and need to be applied frequently to be useful, organic products feed the lawn AND the soil and add life to your lawn’s soil in the long term. Organic products build-up soil biology, and all of that new and growing life will help to make your yard healthy. The beautiful lawn that an organic lawn provides is full of new, growing life. It is a gift to the earth and to your lawn.

Organic lawn products are a much better choice for your lawn than other chemical-based products. They are safer to use in your yard, especially if you have children or pets who enjoy playing in it.

Using organic products also helps reduce the amount of water pollution you contribute and improves your soil overall in the long term.  It’s a win for both the environment and your yard, and that’s a great deal for everyone involved.

Author’s bio: Halley Johnson is a freelance writer and editor. Who is currently employed by Yourgreenpal.com. Halley is currently in the process of writing her first full-length novel. Her greatest accomplishments are being a good mom to her pig and an average daughter to her parents.

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4 thoughts on “5 Benefits of Organic Lawn Care”

  1. The number one reason why I switched to organic lawn Care was because of my pets. I have two dogs and they spend so much time out in the yard during the warm months. Switching to organic lawn care has giving my wife a peace of mind when the dogs are outside playing.

  2. Hi There,

    So true when you state “Organic Lawn Care Gives You Better Soil”

    Great lawns start from the soil


    Chris Pontine

  3. What an amazing post! We’re a new landscaping company in Colorado and we support organic products for our clients landscapes. Thanks so much for this insightful article, it’ll really come in handy when we explain why we use the products we use to our customers.

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