Six Tips For Weeding Your Garden and Lawn
Sometimes when I’m weeding, I feel doomed to repeat the same task over and over again. But I’ve learned a few techniques to make the job more manageable.
Skip to contentOrganic methods to fight weeds, disease, rodents, and pest insects.
Sometimes when I’m weeding, I feel doomed to repeat the same task over and over again. But I’ve learned a few techniques to make the job more manageable.
A plant growing in an unexpected place may be a weed, but think twice before pulling it. It could be sending you a message.
The University Of Connecticut conducted an interesting study on how milk spray can be used to prevent powdery mildew disease on squash and pumpkins.
Can Milk Protect Your Garden Against Powdery Mildew? Read More »
Powdery Mildew is a quick to spread fungus which can infect many plants in your flower or vegetable garden. Post includes pictures.
Blossom-end rot in tomatoes frequently appears after a drought. Roots are unable to take up sufficient water to move calcium to the growing fruit.
Black Spots on Tomatoes Could Be Blossom-End Rot (BER) Read More »
Diatomaceous Earth is a very effective organic pesticide. Unlike chemical pesticides, it poses no risk for kids, pets, wildlife or you.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth as an Organic Pesticide in Your Garden Read More »
Last year my garden of salad greens was decimated in one night by a gang of rabbits. This year I was determined to not let a rabbit attack happen again.
Biologically Intensive gardening relies on methods which are renewable, non-polluting, and mutually beneficial to soil, plants and the ecosystem.
How To Control Pests And Disease In Gardens Without Chemicals Read More »
Corn Gluten Meal is one of the few ways of controlling weeds organically and the only known organic pre-emergent herbicide.
Toxic pesticides are unleashed on US farms at the rate of 800 million pounds each year and the residue ends up on your food