
Plant, Grow, Sell: 7 Profitable Plants to Grow in Your Garden

Who said money doesn’t grow on trees? While there technically are money trees, they don’t grow actual cash. However, there are plenty of plants you can grow and sell for a profit. You don’t have to open a nursery or own a garden center to partake in this lucrative business, either. You can start small and grow from there, and the potential earnings are quite fruitful.

If you garden as a hobby, it will be even easier for you to start. Luckily, some of these profitable plants don’t require a green thumb to grow. Let’s dig into the best money-making plants to sell and tips for how to start and where to sell.

Plants To Grow and Sell for Profit

What you sell determines how much you can make, but these profitable plants can earn you hundreds to thousands of dollars per month.

Cut Flowers

I live in Virginia, so it is common to see beautiful bouquets of freshly cut flowers for sale at farmers’ markets or at booths on someone’s property. I had no idea just what a high-earning gig this was until I saw an article by the Virginia Cooperative Extension that stated that the estimated value per acre for field-grown cut flowers is between $25,000 and $30,000.

Cut flowers can be sold in vases, mason jars, or tissue paper, and the cost will vary depending on what they are sold in. Mini bouquets can average between $8-$10 each. If you set up at a local farmer’s market and sold ten bouquets, you could easily earn between $80 and $100.

The types of flowers that are grown and sold will depend on your growing zone, but the most common cut flowers sold are:

  • Roses
  • Tulips
  • Daisies
  • Peonies
  • Lilies
  • Zinnias
  • Cosmos

You can begin growing flowers in your yard or even in containers. If you grow indoors, you need to ensure you provide enough light for them to thrive. Remember to grow according to your USDA zone to ensure your flowers will flourish and generate beautiful blooms.

Gourmet Mushrooms

While mushrooms aren’t plants, they can be highly profitable when sold. It’s weird to think that certain mushrooms are considered gourmet since they are actually a fungus, but they taste delicious, so I am not here to judge.

Oyster, shiitake, lion’s mane, and morel mushrooms top the list as far as demand and high earnings are concerned.

How much you can earn depends on which types you grow and the yield of your crop. For instance, Grocycle states oyster mushrooms sell for $8-$17 per pound, and fresh lion’s mane mushrooms can sell for $15-$24 a pound. Oyster mushrooms are known to grow rapidly and can be harvested in as little as six weeks.

Hobby Farms says that it’s possible to grow 2,400 pounds of oyster mushrooms a year in a space as small as 100 square feet, which can earn you up to $15,000 a year. You can grow mushrooms outdoors or indoors, and the climate they require will depend on the species you choose to grow.


Microgreens sound like superhero plants, and they are when it comes to nutrition. In fact, research shows that they contain 40% more beneficial nutrients and components than some full-grown plants.

But what are microgreens exactly? They are simply the sprouts of vegetables and herbs like arugula, radishes, peas, mustard, and others. These are among the fastest plants to grow and sell because they only take an average of 7-21 days before you can harvest them.

These tiny sprouts can produce fast cash since they don’t take long to grow, and standard microgreens can sell for $25-$40 a pound.

You can also sell them by the tray. How much you will earn will depend on the type of plants you grow, but you can average $15-$30 per tray. Microgreens can be grown in trays on racks indoors, but make sure you provide enough light and humidity to promote growth.


Herbs can be high-earning plants if you grow the right ones. Not only can you earn a decent income from selling herbs, but numbers on Statista indicate the demand for herbs is increasing worldwide at a 6.44% annual growth rate. While exotic herbs such as saffron can rake in $5,000 a pound, even common herbs such as parsley and sage can be sold for $25-$30 a pound.

Here are some other herbs you can grow to sell:

  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Catnip
  • Cilantro
  • Rosemary
  • Dill
  • Basil

The great thing about herbs is they can be easy to grow and drought-tolerant, which makes them the perfect plants for beginners like me. You can sell dried and fresh herbs, or even sell them as potted plants. Herbs can be grown indoors but will produce more yield if grown outdoors with more space.


One of the most lucrative plants to grow is ginseng. However, this plant is tricky because while it is a valuable crop, the way it’s grown determines its value. Wild-simulated grown ginseng is more costly than cultivated ginseng because it is grown in its natural habitat in the woods rather than in prepared seedbeds and produces a higher-quality plant. Wild-simulated ginseng sells for between $200 to $500 a pound, whereas cultivated ginseng sells for about $25 to $300 a pound.

Ginseng is not a quick-earning crop either, and it can take five to ten years before you can harvest it. You can sell rootlets and seeds as well to earn money while you wait for your crops to mature.

Another must-know detail is that ginseng is regulated by the government, and you will probably need a permit to grow and sell it. Make sure to check with your local and state authorities to learn what the requirements are.


Lavender is another beloved plant that is profitable to grow. It can be sold fresh or dried and has the potential to be made into other products that you can sell, such as essential oils and soap, if you want to diversify your income a bit more. Flower bundles sell for between $6-$10 each, and a bar of handmade soap can sell for $5 or more.

Plus, the potential earnings are much higher if you have land to grow an abundance of lavender. In fact, according to ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture, an acre of lavender that produces 15,000-25,000 flower bundles can be worth between $90,000 and $250,000!

However, even selling lavender on a small scale can be an excellent side hustle. You can grow lavender in containers or simply plant it in the ground. It requires full sun and good drainage to flourish.


One of the fastest-growing plants you can possibly grow is bamboo. Seriously, some species of bamboo can grow 1.5″ inches per hour! Needless to say, it will not take long to grow and sell this versatile plant. Bamboo is used for everything from flooring to furniture, and can even be made into paper. Bamboo shoots can average between $3.41 and $7.45 per pound, but potted plants can also provide a decent payday.

How much you can make per plant depends on the type it is, but it’s common to see small bamboo plants selling in gardening centers for $30 or more each. Perhaps it’s time to plant some of these lucrative crops on my property.

Be advised that some types can be invasive and hard to contain, so you may want to stick with growing in pots and containers. That way, you don’t have a wall of bamboo growing into your neighbor’s yard over the weekend. If you decide to grow indoors you will need to provide a sufficient amount of humidity for them. You can do this by misting them daily or utilizing a humidifier to make it easy.

How Much Space Do You Need To Grow?

Depending on the types of plants you grow will determine how much space you need. Some plants can be grown indoors. For example, certain species of mushrooms can be grown in a small closet!

However, growing crops on a large scale may require a small backyard or up to an acre of land. You can also invest in a small greenhouse to have more space and create the right climate for growing successfully.

What To Do Before You Start Selling Plants

Growing and selling plants can be a great side gig or even a business, but there are some things you need to do before you begin. Some plants are patent-protected, and propagating them can be illegal. Be sure to do your research before you begin selling live plants.

You should also check with your local and state authorities to determine if you need any licensing and permits to grow and sell plants.

You may also want to invest in general and product liability insurance to protect yourself from various claims, such as bodily injury or defective products.

Consider the start-up costs and supplies you will need to make your plants prosper. For example, you may want to invest in a greenhouse or an indoor growing tent to provide the best environment your plants need to thrive.

We purchased grow lights to ensure our vegetables and herbs have enough light because inadequate lighting can mean life or death. Research the types of plants you want to grow so you know exactly what you will need before you start.

Where To Sell Your Plants

Since there are laws about transporting and selling plants across state lines, it’s best to sell locally instead. While you still need specific permits, it’s much easier to sell on a local level. The optimal place to try to sell your plants is at your local farmers market. You will need to contact them and apply to be a vendor, but in some cases, they will have a website where you can apply online.

Another simple way to sell plants is to set up shop in your own yard or at your friends’ and family’s houses. You can advertise your plant sale on social media and marketplaces such as Facebook and join gardening clubs to connect with other gardeners near you. Other outlets to explore are plant fairs and even local restaurants that may want to purchase fresh herbs or gourmet mushrooms to add to their menu. A family friend of ours sells beef to a fine-dining restaurant in our area, so you never know unless you ask!

I also knew a girl who would sell plantings locally using Facebook Marketplace, so try different methods to sell your plants to maximize your profits.

Start Planting To Grow Your Income

Gardening is therapeutic, but it can also be a money-making hobby. You can utilize unused space in your yard to grow or even start on a smaller scale and grow indoors. If you’re tired of mowing your yard, you could even plant a crop of flowers or lavender to grow and sell. I may do this with our property to reduce lawn work and make some extra money.

Remember to check the laws and prepare before you plant by getting everything you need beforehand. Some plants take longer to grow than others, so you should start as soon as possible to earn money sooner than later.


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