
14 Foods You Can Eat Without Getting Fat

In a world filled with tempting treats and calorie-laden foods, finding delicious and guilt-free options can feel like a challenge. Luckily, there are plenty of nutritious foods you can enjoy in abundance without worrying about weight gain. Read on to find out more.


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Cucumbers are a fantastic low-calorie snack, with a medium cucumber containing only about 30 calories. Despite being low in calories, cucumbers contain water, vitamins, and minerals, which makes them a nutritious snack. The antioxidants in cucumbers help combat oxidative stress linked to heart disease and cancer. The low-calorie content and high water volume in cucumbers can keep you feeling full without adding extra pounds.


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Pomegranates are an excellent choice for Weight Watchers. They are low in calories and fat but high in fiber and antioxidants. Additionally, they provide essential vitamins such as K and E and minerals like copper and manganese. One cup of pomegranate seeds contains only about 120 calories, two grams of protein, and six grams of fiber. The antioxidant punicalagin in pomegranate juice is particularly beneficial. Chewing the seeds slows you down, helping you eat more mindfully.


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Fish, especially the oily varieties like mackerel and salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids and quality protein, which can improve satiety and help manage weight. Fish is higher on the satiety index than other protein-rich foods, making overeating difficult. Including fish in your diet can help you consume fewer calories from other sources. The omega-3 fatty acids help shed pounds and reduce belly fat.

Cottage Cheese

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Cottage cheese has long been a staple in many diets for good reason. It’s low in calories and packed with protein and essential nutrients like calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus, and selenium. One study even found that cottage cheese provides a similar sense of fullness as eggs. You can enjoy cottage cheese without worrying about weight gain, as nearly half of its calories come from protein, which helps with weight maintenance and loss. Protein-rich foods like cottage cheese are filling and less likely to be stored as body fat than high-fat or high-carb foods.

Air-popped Popcorn

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Popcorn is an excellent snack because it is a whole grain, low in calories, and high in fiber. Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest option, as commercially made or microwave popcorn can be high in calories and unhealthy ingredients. You can munch a lot of air-popped popcorn without gaining weight, as it only has 31 calories per cup. Popcorn also provides a bit of fiber, which can help you fill up faster.


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Eggs, with their high protein content, are a much more satisfying breakfast option than bagels, cereals, and pastries. As a complete protein, eggs contain all nine essential amino acids, helping to increase fullness and support better food choices throughout the day. Despite past misconceptions, science now confirms that eggs are healthy and nutritious, with most of the nutrients found in the yolk. According to a study, eating eggs for breakfast can lead to greater satisfaction and may even help you eat less for up to 24 hours afterward.


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Apples are a fantastic fruit to keep on hand. A large apple contains about 148 calories and five grams of fiber. Pectin, a soluble fiber in apples, slows digestion and helps you feel full. With over 85% water content, they provide volume and satiety without adding extra calories. Apples contain polyphenols that may prevent fat buildup in the abdomen and score highly on the satiety index.


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Oats are a great option for a satisfying start to the day. One cup of cooked oatmeal contains around 134 calories, five grams of protein, five grams of fiber, and plenty of zinc, magnesium, phosphorous, and thiamine. Steel-cut organic oats are particularly healthy and satisfying. Rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber, oats slow down digestion and carbohydrate absorption, keeping you energized throughout the day.

Boiled Potatoes

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Boiled potatoes are incredibly filling, more so than any other food, according to a study that measured how well 38 different foods satisfy hunger. This is because they are an excellent source of resistant starch, which acts like soluble fiber in your gut, helping you feel full. Avoid french fries and potato chips, as fried potatoes are three times less filling than boiled ones. Eat the skin, too, as it contains the most fiber.


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Chickpeas are a healthy addition to your diet. These legumes contain dietary fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, phosphorous, and unsaturated fats. One cup of chickpeas (drained and rinsed) contains around 210 calories, 11 grams of protein, and 10 grams of fiber. Studies indicate that regularly including legumes in your diet can help prevent obesity, as they provide a significant amount of dietary fiber. For the healthiest option, choose unsalted chickpeas or rinse them under cold water to remove excess salt.


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Avocado is a food you can enjoy daily without worrying about gaining weight. In fact, it helps you slim down. A 2021 study found that women who ate a fresh Hass avocado daily lost significantly more visceral fat than those who didn’t. Another study showed that adults who regularly ate avocados had higher-quality diets.


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Not only is watermelon a refreshing treat but it’s also packed with nutrients that can aid in weight loss. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C and lycopene, an antioxidant linked to heart health and cancer prevention. The high water content in watermelon helps keep you hydrated and full, making it a great low-calorie snack. Moreover, a study showed that eating watermelon daily for four weeks reduced hunger, body weight, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and blood pressure. This makes watermelon an excellent choice for people looking to shed pounds.


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Grapefruit is an excellent fruit for those aiming to lose weight. It is a rich source of pectin, a soluble fiber that slows digestion and increases satiety; it helps you feel fuller longer. A 2006 study found that obese participants who ate grapefruit lost much more weight than those who only took a placebo. With just 52 calories per serving, grapefruit is a low-calorie fruit that won’t contribute many calories even if you eat a lot. However, the high water content is the main factor that makes grapefruit effective in promoting fullness.

Fava Beans

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Fava beans are incredibly nutritious. They offer a rich source of protein, manganese, folate, iron, and fiber. One cup of fava beans contains 182 calories, 14 grams of protein, and around 10 grams of fiber, making them a healthy choice for anyone keen to lose weight. Roasting and seasoning fava beans with herbs and spices makes for a delicious and satisfying snack.


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