Wendell Berry Interview With Bill Moyers
Wendell Berry recently sat down for an interview with Bill Moyers. They spoke about his activism, his poetry, and the environmental crisis facing our nation.
Posts on how you can take simple steps to improve the environment and positively affect climate change.
Wendell Berry recently sat down for an interview with Bill Moyers. They spoke about his activism, his poetry, and the environmental crisis facing our nation.
More reports of damaged trees, two years after Imprelis was first applied.
While it takes a decade or more for trees to mature, even saplings improve soil, air, and storm runoff. The sooner you plant a tree, the sooner you’ll see its benefits.
Heat waves and drought are par for the course every summer. With careful garden design, your plants can make it through drought and heat relatively unscathed.
Heat can do incredible damage to shrubs and flowers, but is especially damaging to vegetables and fruit.
The impact of synthetic fertilizers are well established facts, yet nitrogen and phosphorous-heavy fertilizer use still persists.
How Synthetic Fertilizers Harm Soil, Air, and Water Read More »
Recent studies have shown that the world’s most widely used class of pesticides are responsible for the massive die-off of honeybees and deaths of birds.
Pesticides Implicated In Deaths of Bees and Birds Read More »
Monarch butterflies lay eggs on only one plant: Milkweed. Record heat, drought, herbicides & logging have drastically reduced their numbers.
How Home Gardeners Can Save The Monarch Butterfly Read More »
A recent study showed that due to climate change, plants are producing flowers earlier than at any point in history. What that means for your garden.
Climate Change: Your Flowers Are Blooming Earlier Read More »
Big Food and Big Ag have spent billions on disinformation to make the organic label radical, too expensive, and not based on reliable science. Time to flip it.