Can You Grow Your Own Coffee Beans at Home?
Can you grow your own coffee beans at home? Yes, you can – it’s just a question of where you live in the world and your commitment.
Articles on planting, pruning, growing, and caring for perennials in your landscape.
Can you grow your own coffee beans at home? Yes, you can – it’s just a question of where you live in the world and your commitment.
An herb prized for its soothing fragrance, dainty purple blossoms, and medicinal properties, lavender is a fairly low-maintenance plant but does have some specific needs to thrive.
How to lower pH in your garden soil to make it more acidic for plants such as blueberries, azaleas, rhododendrons, and mountain laurels.
Your state forestry department may operate a special nursery that produces seedlings of trees native to your state and those appropriate for the state’s growing zones.
State Tree Seedling Nurseries – A Cost-Effective Resource for Purchase of Bulk Trees Read More »
Peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers to bloom in spring and brighten any garden in pink, purple, red, white, yellow or a combination of colors.
The Living Landscape connects the dots between plants, animals, insects, birds, and humans. It will make you rethink your garden and landscape strategy.
The Living Landscape by Rick Darke & Doug Tallamy Review Read More »
Every gardener knows that spring-flowering bulbs must be planted in the fall. But how about planting trees, shrubs, and other flowers? Or transplanting a struggling plant to a better location on your property?
Fall Is The Perfect Season For Planting And Transplanting Read More »
From the Monkey Face Orchid to the Corpse Lily, here are ten of the weirdest flowers in the world.
With proper planning and light study, you can succesfully overwinter perennials in a greenhouse during winter, even in the northeastern U.S.
Winter can be absolutely punishing on garden plants. Damage can be reduced if you do a little extra preparation in late fall.