
Organic Gardening’s Physical Health, Mental Health, Financial, and Environmental Benefits

Those of us who spend time in our gardens know just how therapeutic organic gardening can be. Days spent in sunshine up to your elbows in soil is a tremendous stress reliever. Gardening also provides significant exercise, requiring significant bending, stretching, and lifting. We also know that gardening saves us money ($2.00 packet of seeds = many dollars of carrots, brussels sprouts, tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, sweet corn, beans, what-have-you).

But organic gardening also teaches one how to practice soil conservation, chemical-free pest control, and a love of the natural world.

Organic Gardening's Physical Health, Mental Health, Financial, and Environmental Benefits

2 thoughts on “Organic Gardening’s Physical Health, Mental Health, Financial, and Environmental Benefits”

  1. Nice graph! I always buy organic vegetables and fruit when available even though they are more expensive.I want to support the producers as well so there would be more variety in the future.Where I live, you cannot buy organic vegetables and fruit in so many stores but I would like to change that.

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