Our homes are safe havens and special to us. While we want to be neighborly, it’s understandable why we value privacy. For those of us who aren’t crazy about wood or metal fencing separating us from our neighbors, there are ways to achieve privacy with plants.
Plants, like trees and shrubs, are great screens and covers. From hedgerows to lines of potted shrubs, plants make and accentuate fences, walls, borders, and other privacy elements. As borders, their lush foliage helps avoid any of the glaring or obtrusive characteristics of walls or fences (or the cost and maintenance). Here are three great ways to incorporate plants for added privacy around your home.
Native Plants Are Best for Privacy Screens
For the lowest maintenance and longest plant life, choose native plants that are adapted to your particular hardiness zone. Additionally, native flora provide habitats for local wildlife (and who doesn’t love to hear birds singing?). Here are a few choices for plants that are fantastic for creating a natural border. Each may or may not be native to your area:
- Emerald Arborvitaes are slow-growing, but make excellent walls up to 15 feet high. Native to eastern Canada and much of the north-central and northeastern United States.
- Skip Laurels are broad and more manageable, though they can still grow past 10 feet tall. Native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia.
- Pruned and managed bushes of Holly create hedge walls for year-round privacy and decoration. Native to many parts of the world, depending on species.
- Redosier (red-twig) Dogwood trades privacy for curb appeal in the winter. Once it drops its leaves, the bright red branches create a striking look, especially against the snow. (many varieties are native to North America)
- Yews planted along a border and left to grow to their full height without annual pruning create a wall of dense and beautiful shrubbery. Native to central and eastern North America and parts of Europe)
There are plenty of shrub and tree options for outright seclusion. Some, such as hedge walls, provide added privacy without shutting out the neighbors. Plants are also great option for bridging gaps in property fencing. Plus, they offer a pleasing aesthetic when combined with existing fencing.
Consider a Living Fence
Instead of trees, living fences provide many customizable and permanent privacy options. They grow faster than trees, and they are easy to achieve with a bit of planning.
Consider your privacy goals. For total concealment, use dense bushes or shrubs for an impenetrable wall. Low-cut hedges or natural thickets create depth, coverage, and property value for a less intimate and more ornate look.
One downside to a living fence is the time required to grow it. In that case, living alternatives are a great option. Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that provides shade and cover, and it works great with other plants in a living system.
Likewise, trellises and raised beds create natural screens. Use creeping plants, reeds, or flowers to customize your privacy. You can also try modular options like potted shrubs or topiaries. These can move with your daily needs, such as weather conditions or safe areas for children.
You Don’t Necessarily Need a Fence for Privacy, but You Do Need Planning
Even if you don’t own your property, your privacy is still important. Luckily, there are several ways to use plants for privacy in urban settings. Potted plants along a balcony create beautiful living coverage. In a smaller space, tall flowers, and exotic options can take the place of bushes and trees.
Be sure to plan accordingly and consider the plant’s mature size. What is the height and width of the area you’d like to screen? What do you need to achieve your privacy needs? Maybe a living screen of ivy that also allows in the sun? Perhaps individual pots with different bird-friendly flowers? In any case, keep in mind that some properties, like apartment complexes, limit balcony plant usage.
In an urban setting, focus on complimentary potting. Along with flowers, balconies and even windowsills can grow herbs and vegetables that you can eat! For example:
- Lavender is easy to grow in pots, and it smells great!
- Bright options, like Fuchsias, can attract local birds and insects.
- Ivy on a trellis makes a great privacy screen.
Any Homeowner or Renter Can Use Plants for Privacy Regardless of Their Space
Whether you rent an apartment or own acres of property, plants are excellent options for privacy. Lines of trees and hedges can create impenetrable barriers to keep out eyes and unwanted people. With added maintenance, such as pruning and shaping, many tree or hedge-based barriers often grow taller than 10 feet and last for decades.
Homeowners can benefit from the security of trees and bushes. They can be used to complement existing security measures and add aesthetically pleasing curb appeal to an existing wooden or brick fence.
Plants even bring privacy to renters, van-dwellers, and anyone else without their own property. Balcony flower displays can add beauty to a living area and if positioned on balconies or windows, keep out prying eyes.
You don’t have to sacrifice design for privacy. And plant-based privacy options provide customization, mobility, and peace of mind for years to come.