
The Environmental Implications of Tree Management

maple tree in park
In one year a fully grown tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide.

By Guest Author Alexander Fox

Tree management is sometimes misconstrued as an industry in which tree removal is at the forefront of activities. However, one of the main services that tree surgeons provide is tree planting and tree management – which is becoming more and more of a concern.

Every 1.2 seconds man destroys an area of forest the size of a football field… 46% of the world’s forests are already destroyed.

One Tree Planted

Tree management is a necessary service for homeowners and property owners – trees can cause a whole host of issues including structural damage, damage to concrete roads and surfaces as well as pose a health hazard if overgrown. But how does tree maintenance interact with environmental implications and the promotion of tree planting and tree growth?

Managing Trees to Plant New Trees

The management of trees is key to ensure that healthy trees can develop. Additionally, this maximizes the amount of atmospheric CO2 that can be removed by the trees. Dying or dead trees are unable to absorb CO2 fully due to their inability to execute photosynthesis efficiently or even at all.

The Facts About Tree Removal

There are often misconceptions about tree removal that fall in the realm of environmental discussions and these may put off property owners from considering the service. However, there are a number of benefits associated with tree removal as well as necessary scenarios in which the benefits of tree management become obvious.

  • Tree removal provides open spaces to plant more trees. Removal of dead trees is ideal for creating space for new, healthy trees. Scientists have estimated that the cheapest way to tackle the climate emergency is to plant more trees. An estimated 200 billion tons of carbon could be removed in 50-100 years if forest restoration is carried out. The impact of planting trees in your landscape – even one – can help achieve this goal.
  • Tree maintenance is recommended to improve their health or ensure their longevity. This includes carrying out health checks and trimming unhealthy trees as well as the pruning of overgrown trees to promote health and avoid hazards like electrical wires.
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Recycling of healthy wood should be considered when trees are removed or cut down. Older wood can be used as composting materials to promote the growth of new trees and wood chips are utilized as recycled products or as fuel for biomass boilers (for instance to produce heat for chicken sheds and greenhouses.)

Tree Planting and Tree Management are Key Services

Climate change is happening and this is an issue that cannot be disputed. According to NASA, the average surface temperature of the Earth has risen about 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the 19th century, and this can largely be attributed to carbon dioxide increases from industrialization and other human activities. With deforestation worldwide increasing, the increase in temperature is certain to increase unless changes are made quickly. A simple and fast answer is to plant more trees. Tree planting to cool urban environments and absorb CO2 is an essential agenda for homeowners, municipalities, and other authorities. 

What can you do to help the climate emergency?

In one year, a fully grown tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide and converts it into the oxygen we all breathe. But the average U.S. citizen produces about 16 tons of carbon each year, according to the Nature Conservancy. Once you look at these startling facts it becomes clear the impacts we can make on an individual level can be amplified when we all work together, yard by yard, city by city, and country by country. The efforts of tree maintenence are part of the consideration of protecting trees and hedges as well as promoting the growth and planting of new trees.

The climate emergency is happening and it’s an issue that affects everyone. Global corporations can have a big impact if they lead the way, but everyone can reduce their own environmental impact through tree planting or the management of trees on residential or commercial properties.

Related Post:  What Are the Most Common Threats To Trees in Your Landscape?

Author Bio: Alexander Fox works for Cheltenham Tree Services – established in 1987 by Mr. Adrian Phillips Cert Arb (RFS), Director. Cheltenham Tree Services is an industry expert and are the leading tree surgeons in Gloucester, U.K., and the surrounding areas.


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